Specialty Clinics

Specialty Clinics at Reeves County Hospital District
The Specialty Clinics provide services in Cardiology, Aesthetics and Wellness.
The Specialty Clinic is located at 2338 Texas Street, Suite #2 in Pecos (across the street from the main entrance to the hospital and look for the blue banner).
The Specialty Clinic generally is not open until that physician’s staff arrives on that particular day. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause the public.
The following physicians will be at the Specialty Clinic on the days listed below except for holidays. Please call each physician’s office to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Dr. Atti – Cardiology (432) 337-3117: 3rd Wednesday of each month
Dr. Neerukonda – Cardiology (888) 333-6615: 3rd Tuesday of each month (888) 333-6615
Dr. Patel – Cardiology (866) 280-3117: 4th Tuesday of each month (866) 280-3117
Aesthetic and Wellness (432) 448-3962: 1st, 3rd, and 4th Thursdays of each month
To reach a provider during their scheduled time in the Specialty Clinic, please call (432) 447-0050 or to send a fax (432) 447-5071.
The health care providers associated with the Specialty Clinic are independent practitioners and are not employed by Reeves County Hospital District. To schedule an appointment, please contact the provider’s office in Odessa. Office numbers are available by accessing the “Contact Physicians” link below.